Loch Ness Challenge
A 3 day adventure riding the Hydrofoiler SL3 on the Caledonian Canal - including Loch Ness and searching for Nessie, the myth (or not) Loch Ness monster.

New Zealand
Cook Strait Crossing
Mini documentary where Manta5 sets a world record as they attempt and successfully cross the Cook Strait on a hydrofoil bike between the North and South Island of New Zealand.

Salty Cycling Club Race
XE-1 hydrofoilers full race that took place in Spain and won by Carmelo Lopez de Goicoechea (IG: rtwindsurf_bike)

New Zealand
Commuting in Auckland, NZ
The Hydrofoiler XE-1 has many applications, allowing the rider to explore oceans, lakes and waterways...but commuting in a big city as Auckland!?